Sunday 23 July 2017

The Election

I hope young people notice that the Labour party have back tracked on their election promises about the university fee's, they gave the impression that they would repeal the cost to students making it free, now it seems that that was not the case the shadow education secretary has now said that that was never the case!!!, they just said they would look at it, but they have no plans to stop students paying for their tuition, this is not the impression JC conveyed to the students, they believed him voted for him now only to find they were fed bull sh*t, nothing unusual in that but it just shows you if you let the young make decisions things go pear shape, I have heard the bull given to students by teachers, who really should know better, it is not for teachers to influence our young in the way that they might vote, it is disgraceful that some teachers use their authority by promoting political party's, mainly because of their pay claim they then see it as their right to influence our children, on how and who to vote for/  

Thursday 20 July 2017

My Take on the World: The NHS

My Take on the World: The NHS: I find it very hard to understand the clamor to throw money at the NHS, in my mind much money is actually thrown away by hospitals being ma...


I find it very hard to understand the clamor to throw money at the NHS, in my mind much money is actually thrown away by hospitals being made to buy from a selected list of companies!, who can charge any rate they want, why is it that they can't by competitively buying on the open market, the size of a NHS hospital would I am sure be able to buy at very competitively priced  goods, but no they have to buy where they are told! how silly is that?, would you and your family deliberately buy at the most expensive shops no of course not you shop for the best buy, that is called budgeting some thing that the hospital management seem to have no idea about, they go along merrily spending money as if the pot is overflowing instead of being in the red,  there seem to be to many managers by far, I have had to go into hospital to be admitted, given  time of 7.30 am to be there, but you have to ring the ward bed manager at 8.30 / 9 am to see if they have a bed for you!!, do the staff on the ward not know if the bed will be available??, they obviously don't or you would not need someone to tell them this or that bed will be empty for you to be admitted, and of course food my favorite gripe, as I have said before steamed food that they dish up in my brand new hospital (only a few years old) is at times disgusting, unappetizing and looks really horrible, many on the wards go to the restaurant to get decent food, or get the family to bring it in, my problem is I am unable to walk any distance so have to grin and bear it, not funny when you are very ill, I have every respect for the medical staff but even they could save some of the equipment that they use at times like it was free to them, once I was brought in by ambulance the paramedic fitted a cannula but on arriving at A&E it was taken out and replaced no one knew why, what a waste of time and resources yes the NHS is good on the medical side but the management is awful!!!.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

My Take on the World: Brexit

My Take on the World: Brexit: I just wonder what is happening in the country and the disgusting carry on by some people insulting MP's and their families,  JC has a ...


I just wonder what is happening in the country and the disgusting carry on by some people insulting MP's and their families,  JC has a lot to answer for as he is allowing his followers to carry out this rhetoric against many of his own MP's as well as anyone else who has the nerve to oppose  him and his cronies, this is not helping Brexit negotiations in the EU, they must be laughing up their sleeves at us and the way things are in Parliament!, I now know we are in trouble as Mr Blair has said that he thinks JC would be a good PM!!!, god help us all if this should happen, we need two years of quite and acceptance of Brexit,  it is going to happen whatever so if you want a good negotiated deal shut up!!, if not you can be sure it will be a hard Brexit, I am personally not bothered hard or soft  makes no difference to me I just want to us out before the EU collapses, it has become far to big and because of its size and the idiots in charge it will mark my words!!.

Sunday 9 July 2017

Current Bank Accounts

I have had an account withy Norwich & Peterborough Building Society, I have had this account in credit for 25 years plus, to my horror they were taken over by Yorkshire Building Society, out of the blue I had a letter telling me that I had to close my account by the 31st of August this year, now as a long term customer you would think that they would have offered me possibly a new bank account with YBS, but not at all they just said that they were closing my account and everyone else banking with them.
This led to me having to find a new bank this I have now done but you just would not believe the hassle that I had to endure completing this change, my new bank were less than helpful, I had to arrange an interview with them to open a joint account, the identification needed by my wife to be a joint user was just stupid, I did point out to them that I had been married to my wife for the last 48 years so why did they need things like a passport, benefit payment letter, driving licence, council tax bill, it is so ridiculous that they needed them to allow her to use the account, it took over a month to get an appointment to see a member of staff and the meeting lasted over an hour I was just aghast at the silliness of the questions we were asked, and to cap it all we had to watch a video, if I was not desperate for the account I would have walked out, but it is now sorted.
When I went in to N&P BS to close the account they asked me not to close my savings account, I replied they must be joking, you have treated me terribly and have offered no help to change my account so in no way would I leave my savings in their hands, a sad tale for me but it just shows you just how insensitive they can be I just hope my new bank stays working as I do not want to go through this again.


Saturday 8 July 2017

London Follow Up

I see that 140 + places of accommodation have been offered to the survivors of  Grenfell tower fire, only 14 have accepted the offers of this accommodation,  reasons mainly I don't want to move from the area, I don't like the area I am being offered, I have to say that in my mind is that if you do not have anywhere to live and living in a hotel or hostel you would grab at any property that was offered to you, but it seems that the compensation culture is raising its head, law firms are touting for business no doubt rubbing their hands with glee, they can see vast amounts of money being made on the back of the fire, this is before any blame has been recognised, it is a shame that the Judge put in charge of the investigation is being castigated by some residents, but why are they doing that?, to find out just what happened and to apportion any blame (if there is any blame) it needs a leaned judge you just can't have any one to do it, it is very technical and you have to have a deep understanding of the law, and the ability to recognise people who are telling fibs, judges have a vast experience of this so are better able to chair this type of -investigation, I see it as time to shut up let him do his job and lets find out just what happened how it was dealt with, and the legal understanding of the building laws and were any broken, it is a very sad situation and the survivors have my respect and I pray for those who died, but some of the carry on at the moment is disgraceful and the political party steering  up discontent should be for once pull out and stop the vitriolic clap trap.